27 Can't stand people lol
Chuck with Carcass
What job do you have?
Meet Martini! 🍸
does your tortie like being held?
professional yapper 🗣️
pov: your psychiatrist is giving you too many diagnoses
What song was this for you?
make the comments section look like her search history
Which one of yinz pulled this one
thought this belonged here
Make this comment Section look like her Search History
songs where someone needs help
New rescue still needs a name!
What my kitten thinks she looks like vs. what she actually looks like
Just had painful wisdom teeth surgery. show me your voids as i recover.
Songs About History
Let's see your voids
What’s your tortie’s name?
Found a little tortie under my bike last night crying, so I took him home.
Tiger Lily and the Lobster
Tiger Lily is on a cuddle mission and won’t let anyone stand in her way.
My new tortie looks like a reese’s peanut butter cup! Name ideas?
Favorite pic of your cat. I'll go first.
Tarantulas are literally the cutest animals ever
Breakfast 😙