worst killer to play against?
Video where I whiff twice and then my game has a disconnection error making it look like I ragequit :(
pixelbush when the killer isnt skullmerchant 2
Oni flicks NOT being removed
What's the most satisfying sound in DbD for you?
R.I.P. Oni 180s
Survivor mains will really try to convince you this perk is bad.
I’m commited. I hate Wesker.
I drew pig
In honour of his leaving how many times will “I COME!”
Flashlight users when you don't want to get blinded all the time
Developer Update | March 2025
What killer addons make you like this?
Which Killer, Survivor, map, perk or cosmetic was this for you?
Coming back, couple questions
I see a lot of survivors celebrating for some reason...
How much i love going against each killers in DBD tier list
In regards to pinhead leaving dbd
Welcome back buddy.
Survivor mains, who is a killer you like to go up against but don’t see very often and why?
Defaul Wembfisher
Killer main content creators?
Which character would you keep as a ghoul if you had the chance?
How much i enjoy playing against each killer.
me at the club 5 minutes after i got some bozo killed