I prefer "fou"
Elon Musk is what happens when all the money in the world doesn't buy off divorced dad energy.
Unhinged Shit Leftist calls for the mass televised Rape of women who voted for Trump. You can’t make this shit up shit leftists just won’t stop being shit
Who would win in this battle?
Characters that are canonically weak (or weaker than the rest) but the fans love to make jokes calling them the strongest
Normal day on X
Guns are perfectly safe to the left, as long as they protect the ruling class
They really didn't like this one.
Gotta love the hypocrisy
And I didn't even go to medical school
Years of character development undone in a single line
At least back then the government didn't take away your passport over being trans, and it wasn't made illegal in texas.
Gen Z who make six figures, what do you do and how did you get your job?
I'm not a zoomer, but I feel this guy has great points about generational language and how it has separated us.
The metamorphosis is almost complete…
Villains with EXTREMELY petty motives for becoming villains.
And he was right all along
Probably a lot of folks… I guess technically the president too 🤣
Black/white guy friends that aren’t canonically gay but have a lot of gay vibes
Libleft wonders, butt will they find bottom?
Favorite type of Girl?
Who Wins? Why? And What Difficulty?
What “transgender care for minors” means to each quadrant
all prisoners should be put into forced labor with no pay
What favorite character has you in this situation