Advice needed: old man in nursing home, left hundred of model kits
Advcie wanted: old man in nursing home, leaves tons of kits at his place.
RadialMenu: a tentative endorsement!
updated my laptop and suddenly my pen wont draw anymore.
Some rules
Our Patron Spirit
Why You're Here
Where to get power cable for this ?
Wireless Shortcut - profiles questions
Please help this is driving me nuts :(
First time games for >60 year old, post surgery.
Is it possible to assing a macro on FN + " " ?
[Online][Fallout TTRPG][EST] [Campaign][West March Style Wasteland Romp, Female Friendly] 🔫Journey to New Vegas - Women Only Game ☢️ Starting at Level 1
AITA for taking my parasol out at a barbecue against my girlfriend's wishes?
3D paper art - lining up layers in Designer is DRIVING ME MAD!
Landlord on premises: allows landlord to renovict, double rent without notice?
[5e][online][campaign][weekly][Monday][PAID][$20] TO HELL AND BACK! A 3rd Level (!?) Escape from HELL! [Very Metal!]
[4-5 players needed for October Start! ][online][campaign][weekly][Monday][PAID][$20] TO HELL AND BACK! A 3rd Level (!?) Escape from HELL! [Very Metal!]
[LFP][online][campaign][weekly][Monday][PAID][$20] TO HELL AND BACK! A 3rd Level (!?) Escape from HELL! [Very Metal!]
[Online][5E][Homebrew][6pmEST]Spirited Away: a Miyazaki-inspired adventure set in Fantasy Japan! [5 fun players needed for October!][Foundry VTT]
[Online][PAID: 20/session][weekly][5E][Homebrew][6pmEST]Spirited Away: a Miyazaki-inspired adventure set in Fantasy Japan! [5 fun players needed for October!][Foundry VTT]
Treebeard w/ Merry and Pippin
Terrain-shaped gouges in new prints
Anybody else have huge anxiety about setting up their printer?