Title below
It’s a sad thing
See the difference?
Describe a Game poorly :3
Watching everybody lose it
Disney owns both the rights nothing is stopping this skin from becoming reality except cowardice
What are these called in your language?
wait. is this impossible or am i just dumb?
What if
Mobile Mayhem thing again x4
Susie’s falling sprite but with the proper hair color.
I don't get it
Tell me ur username so I can out you in my game!
Favorite character whose pose you like to hit irl for various reasons
Guys what should I play
My experience as a strategist main.
Vanguard Mains: What is your best piece of advice to other Vanguards or new Vanguard players?
New idea: you should get an emote additionally to lord icon
I feel like it's right there I just don't get it
What is this?
Excuse me what the actual fuck?
"Who are we hiding from" ahh clip
Stop it!
Type “I’m going to” and let it autocomplete