Considering selling everything and hitting the road with the wife and kids.
New Dad, Not Loving It
This grown man looks, dresses and sounds like a toddler
Are my huskies albino?
The face of perfect health.
Always wanted to try making noodles from scratch. Thrilled with the results!
What’s your salary (NO OT) and where are you located?
to protect your 5 chickens at Costco
What do you guys think?(600 litre Community )
Why ruin it for everyone else?
What is this little creature inside my planted tank?
What would you put in this 5.5g?
Appreciating their delivery guy
My most difficult lab in second year
Geologist collecting samples
My son is building this "super cool car" twice a day 😩
I’ve just found out I’m gonna be a dad of 3 under 2.
CEO seduced wife… continuation
To mate
AITA for the way I replied to my friend after I told her I couldn’t make her birthday party.
What's her beef with condoms...
Getting mugged
There's probably an easy explanation for this, but my brain can't