Efficient way to take bonds from 70-100 in Infinite Wealth?
"I knew getting a punch perm was not a good idea" ---Ichi
Where are you sitting?
Which Breaking Bad character are you?
Best Majima "serious" moment?
First game I’ve pre-ordered since Ghost of Tsushima. Beyond hyped!
Pirate Yakuza 2 but now Yamai is the protagonist.
Saeko, noooooo!
Who should voice Thragg in Invincible?
Characters you want to return in the series?
Am I just dumb?
I did it I got infinite wealth. The sentimental value is extreme
Whats yalls favorite game in the series?
Greedy fuck won (gaiden spoilers), who presents themselves as evil but is actually evil?
Just two dudes yankin the pizzle
Almost 500 hours in total of playing Infinite Wealth, just now found out you can go to Crystal Aloha resort and hang out in the pool with the squad
Henry watching the Kuttenberg tournament:
My villain/main antagonist tier list for the WHOLE SAGA
Favourite Karoake Song?
Love RGG Studio. ❤️
IW Kiryu cosplay from last year to celebrate International Wig Day (late..) and Yakuza 0 with us for 10 YEARS! 🐟
What's your guy's thoughts on the PSP version of Like a Dragon?
Do you think we'll ever know who Kamulop really is? Are we supposed to know based on the clues given?
Piece of shit (ryo aoki) won, who presents themselves as neutral but is actually evil?