The guy must have run 500+ accounts 🤌
Last post before I go to jail for Highway robbery / Thorens TD 145 Pickup with Technics EPC-300 MC for 65€
Just installed my new seat warmer 🔥
What’s the record in your collection you’ll never get rid of
105 Million Minutes
Ive never reduce tips…until now
Diagnosed with 2 cancers in one month.
For those who got 15”, do u regret ur choice?
I ordered a used cd of frank and they sent me a vinyl lol
Rude customers when browsing the bins
Rate my vinyl wall🥰
She then angrily blamed Sabrina for it in the comments. Not the player, not even the record, Sabrina herself 💀
Notice Something Here?
Oh, so they miss the California girl...
Did anyone miss Katy Perry last night?
Whisky Biz is Elite and Hard to Find
Found this at the thrift store today for $10. Still in shock.
This was needed.
Just found this at Cracker Barrel and it says limited edition on the back do I buy it?
what's ur highest huge chance? I am currently in 56x lol
How’d i do? picked up 52 records this morning for $50 at a garage sale
What’s your fav Ben and Jerry’s flavor?
The worst possible vinyl sound
out of my and my friends, who has the best music taste?
Rape my collection
Do y'all think This is a good starter turntable