S1E5, why does Chuck say “make sure you still have your wallet when you’re done”?
I would honestly prefer more new enemies along the lines of husks/grim/weavers to subjugators/tormentors
Seeing that Bungie hasn’t acknowledged Act 2’s story being presented out of order is actually frustrating.
My (extremely crude) representation of what non-white flashes could look like (without resorting to a black flash)
Black Mirror: Season 7 | Official Trailer | Netflix
They really should’ve been more clear on that
NiKo yells as if kyxsan is defusing to bait jottAAA into spraying smoke
Any hunters switching off of smoke tomorrow? If so why
So, can I get a tldr on the AI art situation?
Why is hitting so hard?
Do you think Ellie is pretty?
Gameplay review request
New TWID: Sword Logic, Lightweight Pulse, and Smoke Nerfs
Why aren’t all the women of BB disliked equally, despite all not being a fan of the crimes?
It's really frustrating that Crafting WAS the solution to the weapon hunt / storage issue, but Bungie abandoned it due to engagement worries.
Was Victor right?
I may have not realized that the negative joker spectral card stacks each time you use it.
Do some chick-fil-a's have Fanta?
The song Bohemian Rhapsody is a TERRIBLE song
What do these characters have in common?
Jason Lake on Twitter: "I'm hearing it's actually very unlikely Valve uses this (Cache) officially."
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Which of my favorite kinetic hand cannons do you like more for pvp?
Why are more people not talking about how bad competitive is?