who gets emotional about kanji?
First time doing mock tests. I did the N5 and N4 tests. I don't understand the grading.
Sakura Wars 2 English Patch Very Soon!!
Need help with Kanji
What game comes to mind when you see this?
Got told "I love you".
Three Final Fantasy games that I want are on sale. Pick which one I buy.
"The port in Balamb" won for Best part of the city, What would be the wildest rumour on FF8?
Discussing fluency in Japanese
Why things like ハ or カラ in katakana instead of hiragana? (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon DX)
Balamb garden won for Iconic Landmark, What would be the Local hero of FFVIII?
is sakura wars so long my love a sequel ?
What’s the worst thing a hookup has ever said to you in bed?
TIL there was an alternate cut of Ep 9 of the 2000 Sakura Wars TV series...
Fun accidental "cognates"?
WTF 😂😂
Who are the best secondary FF villains?
Which jrpg has the best "final boss god?"
The best alarm to wake up in the morning. 😂
Which Anki card did you fail today that you totally shouldn't have?
Japanese be like
だけど vs. んだけど and their variations
「未来のことを言うと鬼が笑う」I just learned this idiom and I like it a lot. Just that. Explanation down below: