Don’t put all your hopes and dreams on one person…
If you were single at 26 and ended up married with kids, will you tell me about it?
Boyfriend isn’t getting divorced
Which beautiful countries come to mind when you hear the word: “exotic”?
Which countries come to mind when you hear the word: “exotic”?
My husband told me to kill myself today
Anyone else feel like Joey’s sisters were blowing it out of proportion?
Life begins at conception.
I need to delete my Facebook and I need help.
Can yall help name my dog?
Divorce sucks
Parental controls on kids devices
Asking for my sanity 🙄
Add curtains? Or is the space complete?
How did you know it was time to divorce after separation?
Assisted suicide should be legal for healthy people who want to die
Buffy Tattoo
I feel horrible...twice divorced
Scenes that make you laugh hysterically?
Just bought a house, please help!!!!
Pierce Brosnan and wife Cassandra Harris in 1990.
I want a divorce but can’t afford to live on my own.
Is there a name where everyone you’ve met with it pissed you off?
“Nobody here even knows you.” Famous last words.
I am NOT ready for summer!