on a scale of 1-10 how rough do you like it?
What satisfaction score would you give your last orgasm? On a scale of 1 - 10?
You are only 1km from home, completely naked. How are you going to get home without being seen?
Have you had a horrific predictive text fail?
What outfit makes someone instantly more attractive in your eyes?
If a Guy Gets a Obvious Erection on a First Date, is That a Deal Breaker?
Have you ever been suprised by the size of your partners ejaculation or your own? What happened?
Denim on denim with some coke
When life gives you lemons….
What's your safe word during sex?
Chicken poutine and a Guinness… need I say more?
Going out in a bit… how’d I do?
People of ARAD, pretend I have asked the most generic, overused question on here and answer as such!
Which of your features or personality traits are you most proud of? And why?
What song triggers you so bad that you HAVE to skip it?
What do you do when you're just done with life?
Who's that person you thought you had zero chances to have sex with and yet you did?
What’s the last thing you Googled ? Don’t lie
What’s a deep character flaw you’ve struggled with, and how have you learned to grow from it rather than let it define you?
If you only had 10 minutes to hide a paper clip in your house from the FBI, where would you hide it?
Do you block people who post stupid questions?
What type of sense of humor sums you up best?
What did your crazy ex do?
How many times a night do you wake up?
if a woman asked you to eat her undies after sex as a demonstration of power, would you?