Does anyone here remember Winamp?
How do you make the visualizer change presets after every song?
Introduction to Winamp
When do I give up ripping scratched discs on Exact Audio Copy?
How do I change album cover, artist name, etc. on the Hiby music app?
How do plugins for the Hiby R4 work again🤨?
Wreddit's Daily Pro-Wrestling Discussion Thread! Comment here for recommendations, quick questions, and general conversation! (Spoilers for all shows) - January 08, 2025 Edition
Dumbest idea ever
How would the punks get into streaming videos?
What are the best hardcore or death match wrestling events/PPVs of all time from any promotion?
What does King Gizzard have that other people don’t?
What’s the big secret about this community no one wants to say?
What was “taking the high road” considered as back then vs now?
Why do so many people *actually* hate cgi trailers with no gameplay?
What am I doing wrong (WipEout 3 Special Edition)
What makes an artist or act successful?
What should I do when my parents aren’t very supportive and don’t get it?
How do you know if you’re into men?
Where can I find great people to talk to!
Where can I go to find people to talk to?
Daily Discussion Thread | May 22, 2021