Soooo…what am i supposed to do with these exactly?
[PC] H: Caps W: Holy Fire/Bloodied Holy Fire
H:caps W:Holy fire
[PC] H: caps W: compound bow explosive arrow plan
[PC] chally the moo moo complete outfit looking to buy for 5000 caps
[pc] H: aa50c25 fixer W:offers or beast holy fire
Price check for quad, rapid, durability gatling gun?
[PC] H: trades listed below W: AA/SS Gauntlet AA/FFR Holy Fire Quad/FFR Tesla Quad RR
[pc] H: aa50h25 W: heavy wep offer
[PC] H: Caps/legendary W: S’more recipe
h: aa50h25 W: heavy wep
weapon mod pricechecking
[PC] H: QE90 Fixer W: offers
All level 100s no one wants your 2 star be fixers or 3 star scrip please stop asking for apparel for a gun worth caps thank you
[PC] can i trade x01 power armor for parts i need for hellcat armor
H: image W: offer
H: QE90 Fixer W: offers
H: QE90 fixer W:offers
I am once again asking for you to enter in the 4th giveaway of my career!!
High Level Players, What's The Nicest Thing You've Done For A Low Level?
WOW you guys are not kidding with the rogues in 15+ GC
This update is great.
My main is dead what do I do?
Where did I find the Gloves of Thievery?
Instant crashes and gear loss