How to deal with Loxodont's Forward Tilt
is maypul a good secondary to ranno?
Is this game hard or am I bad?
Kragg should enter pillarstun here right??????
Advice on what to do against Zetter shine
Yesterday after getting my wisdom teeth removed, I took out my phone and started filming. in the 2 minutes of incoherent rambling, something rings true. saying that we need to “nerf Ranno”
Does anyone else get this issue as of late?? This is the 3rd time today I get matched with someone 150-almost 200 Elo points higher than me
How to cover double jump sweet spot to ledge?
I Beat Spargo Twice with Etalus!
I found an Option Select that makes the Zetter Matchup Easier
I think people don't like the game, they just like to win
I know the ledge play is hard, so I made a small primer!
Genesis X2 - Grand Final: Plup (Maypul) vs. CakeAssault (Forsburn)
The Dollar Store Marth Killer
how do you deal with a needle camping Ranno?
Orcanes up throw
This sub has forgotten what it was saying 6 months ago. Say something positive in this thread.
Constructive Criticism of Rivals2 Spotdodges
this might be a hot take, but I think its important to balance based around casual experience as well as the top player experience
How to play against MayPul as Ranno in Rivals 2?
I'm making an Anti Clairen Guide
Sweatspoting Zetterburn’s recover feels impossible
Why isn’t there a platformless stage?
Watch out, Kraggs! Better mash that B button if we (Etalus) grab you!
ranno main in rivals 2, finally got to 1k bucks, what's his best skin?