" So you moved in with Madison..."
Michelle Looks 5x Better Than Madison
Who still wants the shark tooth necklace? 🥴
David, Imma be completely honest witchu..
Unpopular Opinion
What did Allen say to Juan?????
Madison and David
Karla's hair...
Pro-Ukraine rally draws thousands of marchers to Michigan Avenue
Madison is such a mean girl
You lost, juan
Emem cousin need to be an expert.
S18 | E18 New Love is in the Air
David and Madison forever?
David & Madison Talking About Their “Intimate” Morning 🤢
David getting cast on MAFS
david’s tattoo
There is a girl at the gym who I am 100% sure I make uncomfortable, is there anything I can do about it?
Re: Commentary on David
Sometimes I think they just need more time
Interesting from JTs girlfriend about Venita 😬
the confession… total blasphemy!
Over Craig’s Lying
Iketchup’s doppleganger of human anatomy