Dumb Ways to Die in Hardcore # 2!
Merry Christmas from Arthas!
The Fresh Hardcore Experience! (Animated Short)
D.O.R.F RTS - Derelicts
Launch is here!
Nostalgic of a moment that I’ve never experienced.
Congrats To NA Horde First Kel’Thuzad Kill On Hardcore.
Blade Dance Rogues (animated short)
The Magic Potion (Gorak's Guide)
The Hunter's Plight (Animated Short)
Bar Brawl (animation)
Deadmines quest
How the turn tables! (Animation)
World First Hardcore Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian obtained by Rank#1 Druid Tabi from on Defias Pillager
Amongst SoD p2 hype, clears the first immortal naxx on HC
Arthas Arrives
Arthas Arrives (animation)
Arthas Arrives (Animation)
New Tanks of SoD (Animation)
Finally made it to level 40 as King Leonidas and bought a mount! It's been a slow, scary journey.
The most Deadly Enemy in Hardcore (Animation)
My wife has stage 4 cancer, and we're starting a SoD guild for fellow cancer patients and caregivers.
(Animation) Hardcore Paladin tip
Manifesting Classic +