I'm 40% into This Inevitable Ruin - question about weapons. Please try not to spoil the rest of the book.
Here’s your Spectrum SportsNet LA streaming service
Question for those who finished the book
WHAT’S the difference? Yoshikane SKD & White 2
Tesla autopilot disengages milliseconds before a crash, a tactic potentially used to prove "autopilot wasn't engaged" when crashes occur
WoodCut 3D modeling app is now free
Do we need to seal this American white oak?
Music obsessed toddler, did you get Tonies or Yoto
Bunka decisions. Need help deciding!
Just one full day in Kyoto - too much?
Premium audio (post update) EQ
The new audio update is a noticeable difference
Looking for advice on best ways to use the technology I have during the trip for communication, translations and directions. iPhone+Meta Ray-Bans+Apple Watch
The Gate of The Feral Gods Hardcover Giveaway
A couple pics from this weekend
Seat cushioning any different in Ascend Tri Motor vs Dual Motor?
Double right-turn lanes on California at Pasadena now active
Anyone else having Bluetooth phone issues? People all say they can’t hear. Verified myself.
3D printed an Agumon Tonie for a 4yo who's obsessed with Digimon
I’m prepared to pay an irresponsible amount of money for a first edition copy of DCC.
New Pickups - Yamada and Kono FM
Remember when Anunoby stupidly tried to foul Luka off ball, the ref put his hand up to call the foul, and then decided not to...?
60 minutes in London
Is this puppy unfurnished?
Brand new X100VI has dust on sensor?