If your pet could run for president, what would their campaign slogan be?
Ohhhh sh%$...
What city/region has GOOD drivers?
How does one join ICE?
Can any dog be a service dog? Do landlords HAVE to allow service pets?
Stood in my backyard watching this in action for 20 minutes. Edinburg.
Lakefront homes in Canada encased in ice
Job Offer Rescinded
Shenandoah Valley. Stood in my backyard for 20 minutes watching these folks in action.
My mom and her older brother and my namesake. Both were high school standouts in sports. Mid 50's here.
Man clears path through deep snow to guide deer back into the forest!
Lisa Kudrow and Matthew Perry 1997
NorthStar Power Washers
My mom and her older brother and my namesake. He was already getting calls from NFL teams in his college senior year when he died (car crash) while my mom was pregnant with me. Mid 50's here. Posing in their high school garb.
Pakistani moms when cooking
No more cake for everyone!
The Guys at r/Funny were Mean to Me
Photographing - burning canvas and a man
How do men feel about friends expecting quick replies?
Why does Reddit never respond to support requests? What does it take to actually get help?
How to sell dirty socks and underwear?
Android Auto/Auto Evolution and APK app.
Dogs are more loyal than humans