Ladies, which is your most complimented clone fragrance, and which is your personal favorite?
3 months in. I blame you guys 🙄
Fragrance clone that you stopped liking?
Turathi Blue vs Jean Lowe Immortal? Which is your choice and why?
Does it look like a clown 🤡 feet? Woman size 10
...what the heck is Yeah! Man? I ordered just Yeah!
Which Hype fragrance was your biggest let down. I'll go first
Ranking my clone fragrances
My Clone Cologne Collection
What do you prefer?
What are y'all wearing today?
Ask whatever you would like…
Any recommendations? Searching for something fresh aromatic.
Thoughts on this decant purchase?
Tell me what to buy based on my life
How do you guys feel about 9060’s?
Thought on these?
Let the question come, i give you my opinion
Hunter Intense vs Fakhar Black - Which easier to wear as a daily cheapie?
New bottles on Tom Ford dupes from Maison Alhambra…
Tried but did not like it.
Winsome (Formerly The Tux) - Maison Alhambra
Best YSL Tuxedo clone?
What are the most complimented clone fragrance?
What clone (or cheapie) fragrance smells like winter holiday season/Christmas?