Bumblebee X Baragon: Deceive Duel of the Tiny B Warriors
Queen of the Monsters
Megatronus to every other iteration of himself probably
This goofy little guy is actually your god
Villains that force the hero to immediately lock in
Marginalized people come together and become a safe space for any minority or isolated person. (Also, they often are against the government)
Friends with very different personalities
The absolute largest piece of garbage in the setting
When the cover/title references the villain/final boss rather than the protagonist
Characters who would probably swear a lot if the they were in wasn't for kids.
Fangs of Flames: King of Nightmares chapter 4
I drew the WoF planet because I can
What different versions of the same bot would you find interesting to see interacting with? I Begin:
It only takes three words to fill you with impending doom.
My 4 favorite Godzilla kaiju
Give me your best worst pitch for a crime drama set in a world of Kaiju.
Arctic and Foeslayer book ends
What's your favorite funny line?
Kings who are on the front lines
Characters you'd never expect to be so good at childcare
Alien Cyborgs
*Heroes* who gave *VILLAINS* PTSD [Bonus if the hero is usually friendly and peaceful]