How is this even designed by the same person?? At this point Warriors are just getting rage IRL
PVP changes in a nutshell
The state of PUGs
For the people freaking out about some people getting "thousands" of gold from incursions
New Sul'thraze Speed in-game
Sunken Temple Boss HP is Nuts - Double the HP of 40m Raids in Some Cases
They economy is already trashed with these 5g quests
New warlock nerfs ain't nerfs
Mekkatorque Having a Level Cap Feels Like Forced Obsolescence
It seems druid high reserved every two hand mace in SoD
Not a fan of homogenizing weapon speeds like on retail
Let me play big sword big armor man :(
Anyone else excited for a 7 day lockout?
Francesinhas no centro de Braga ?
I play warrior and love it. Why is it so bad?
"BIS geared healer LFG STV" Their chat:
Poor warriors
Anyone else feel bad killing lowbies in Plunderstorm? So you just let them run?
Gladiator stance for warriors
Why does Dispersion reduce 90% damage and only has 2mins cool down while Shield Wall reduces damage by 75% and has 30mins shared cool down with Retaliation?
Tanking as a warrior feels worse with every passing week in P2
DW Warrior rune phase 3 issue ?
Levelled up a Mage as my alt to my Warrior main… mages are awesome dude.
Unsatisfying New Abilities in SoD?