🕷️ 🕸️
كيف يمكن أن ننتصر ونحن بهذا الوهن وهم بهذا التجبر؟
غزة بقيت وحماس بقيت
Palestinian and Israeli conflict who has the right to the land?
Apparently this guy doesn’t know the difference between ethnicity and religion.
Some serious discussion
Wattpad data leak link
What makes Islam the only true religion
نازح في رفح، إسألني
هل لدى الشعوب العربية اي قدرة على تغير مسار المجزرة في غزة ؟
I'm a lonely 32-ear-old kissless guy who has never had sex
I got this in mail in Dearborn, Michigan. Anything but Biden.
at least that's something most people can agree on
Is it haram to imagine nsfw scenarios without acting upon them?
How many of you spending Valentine's Day drinking alone?
Are there any non-religious ppl here ?
What would you choose?
Why do you guys believe in Islam?
What do u all do when you see a girl
I'm converting to islam!
Women in Sudan asking for fatwas on if su1c1de is halal out of fear of getting r4ped!!
What's a line that's not only funny but very relatable for you?