Looks like someone skipped their sleep...
Awkward Family Photo Of Heeler Brothers From The 80s
Chris Heeler with baby Stripe
Chris Heeler with baby Radley
Why isn't Bandit's dad, Bobba, in the Christmas Swim episode?
Dad is a big teaser
The Sign
The Heeler's Brothers with their grandpa
Gender swapped Heeler family
John respond of people complaining his wife
what if Bartlebee was real?!
"Hey Pat! Do you want to play barky boats with us?" - Bandit
The Last Of Us Part 1 and 2 with Bluey Artstyle
Pick a RDR1 character and a RDR2 character you’d want to see interact with each other
Fanon of Trixie's Parents
Somewhere in Alternative Universe
Market, 1985
"So Near Yet So Far"
Heeler Family, 1980
"It's good thing you're though mate"
Okay guys I’m high af rn but…
It was the 60s man
Since when I'm a man?
Two Abu Sufyans?