Conor McGregor en la Casa Blanca: "La inmigración ilegal está destruyendo nuestro país. Pueblos rurales donde los irlandeses se han convertido en minoría. Los irlandeses-americanos necesitan oír esto, necesitamos liderazgo estadounidense”
What do you think of my first sacrifice checkmate
Stephanie Ruhle nails it.
How can I prevent this from happening to me?
What would you do if your friend tried to rip off your shorts as a joke?
In this position in Lichess, the majority of players played fxg6 en passant instead of checkmate
Do you have any questions?
Ghosts in ranked
Musk money
Why do so many people sleep on Karpov in discussions about the greatest players of all time?
What are your thoughts on DOGE
So accurate.
Spanish speakers: how do you say what belt you are?
Do I need to play the first six games to understand Gran Turismo 7?
What's the best way to bruteforce learn chess notation?
Do you agree with Bernie Sanders?
Need suggestions for chess club at college
I panic sold everything last monday, it pains me to see my previous positions move up since but I refuse to fomo back in
Sobre o Reintegracionismo
Who deserves a trip to the stewards?
Un imán haciendo cánticos musulmanes en una plaza de Parla en Madrid.
If every single resigned game between GMs was instead played out, with the loser being replaced by a chess bot, what percentage of those games would the chess bot win?
What rating peek do you think someone starting as an adult will get to?
Can something be true and have no existing prove?