How Do I learn Javascript??
What's your most nsfw confession?
Are there any super famous or super smart people or accomplished computer scientists or software engineers who struggle with reading who use text-to-speech like Speechify and Natural Reader?
What's your take on
What profession would you never date?
I just want someone to eat me out while I’m reading a book sighhhh
If modern medicine didn’t exist would you be dead right now? If yes, from what?
Venezuelan immigrants deported from USA arrive at the Terrorism Confinement Center in El Salvador
Listen and don't jude
Millennials, what's y'all plan for retirement?
a ghost could be breakdancing behind you rn and you don't even know
Attractive Redditors, what's the reason you're still single?
Japanese Ambassador in the UK celebrating St. Patrick's Day
This is the only weight loss video I've watched to the end
What’s the biggest sexual risk you ever took?
I am an engineer with dyslexia,
If you are reading this...
Dyslexia - is poor comprehension but can read symptom of dyslexia
What do YOU want for Nintendo Switch 2 as a Video Game Platform?
What improved your quality of life so much, you wish you did it sooner?
To those of you who buy the same console multiple times, why?
Thank you Chris, you have saved the EU from global warming, with your invention of the sail car
I Like Doom
Can i learn programming to get a job at 21 years old ?
What historical "fact" did you learn in school, that later turned out to be completely wrong or misrepresented?