Fanfics where Max has to act like the events of the game didn't happen?
[ALL] Fanfics where Max has to act like the events of the game didn't happen?
Manhwa with a Found Family Brother/Sister Relationship
[Question] Manhwa with a Found Family Brother/Sister Relationship
Manga with a found family older brother/little sister
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Mozart - K310 Sonata in A Minor Mvt. 1, my other competiton piece. I'm struggling to play it without mistakes in one sitting, especially in that left hand descent at the end. All kinds of critique and advice is appreciated!
Chopin - Minute Waltz, one of my competition pieces. All kinds of critiques are welcome!
Advice on Composing?
What Online Courses Would You Recommend For Classical Composition?
Recommend Me a Manhwa About a Father/Daughter Relationship
[Recommendation Please] Recommend Me a Manhwa About a Father/Daughter Relationship
Recommend me the most hardcore maledom games you can think of
[Recommendation Please] Manhwa About Gang Life, Mafia or Delinquents?
Manhwa about Mafia, Gang Life or Delinquents?
How Can I Improve My Analyzation (and Consequently, Songwriting) Skills?
How Can I Improve My Analyzation (and Consequently - Songwriting) Skills?
A Duet Piece with a Beginner Level Violin Part?
Duet Piece with a Beginner Level Violin Part?
A Novel With a Wise MC?
AVN's that revolve around a codependent relationship?
Do I Really Have to Memorise Every Scale?
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Rachmaninoff - C# Minor Prelude / Henry Lodge - Temptation Rag) I will perform these two pieces in my first ever competition. Any advice would be appreciated! (Other than that godawful bridge in Temptation Rag. I already know how bad it is lol)