For bisexuals: Have you noticed how, in the romantic realm, there's a distinct sense of validation among men that isn't found when dealing with women (at least not as easily)?
I was discriminated against and considered a damn "monster" at work.
When I look at my old photos, I force myself to realize that there are changes after all, but I still get depressed... (11 months on HRT-MTF).
"It's never too late" (only a lie).
"It's never too late."
Does anyone else besides me feel the need to hide their breasts at work (and maybe not only at work)? (MTF)
When you're a post-pubescent transgender woman and you spend enough time on hormone replacement therapy to realize that you might not even look like a conventionally unattractive woman, it means you're already maturing.
If transgender people accepted that there are things in their aesthetic physiognomy that they cannot change (except perhaps with surgery), then although the mental damage would not disappear completely, it would be the case that it would diminish to a certain extent.
The manager I work with (M, 30) is lately showing signs that he is becoming more interested in me (F, 25). However, I don't know exactly what the nature or reason for his interest in me is. Until recently I was just a regular guy to my coworkers.
I am a defender of the idea that “the way others treat you, as a man or woman, is not something that is imposed, but something that is justified by appearance”… but lately I have suffered an internal conflict.
Some cis girls, despite knowing that one is a woman (transgender), persist in looking for a "boyfriend" in us.
I realized that I overestimated my current appearance as a woman today.
do i pass? gender meee
Even a pasoid has the right to feel dysphoria despite being pasoid if there is a beautiful girl in front of him.
Apart from me, does anyone have an androgynous aesthetic? If so, how do you and the people you interact with in your personal life take it?
I'm sure it must be common for transgender women to display behaviors that alerted us to our identity in childhood or adolescence (even if we couldn't fully recognize it). Can you relate to any of what I'm about to say?
What I'm saying may not apply to all trans women, but, like me, don't you currently desire body features that you either disliked or were indifferent to before?
Lately, some girls at work have been approaching me and acting friendly. I hope it's not because they see me as a potential queer friend.
Apparently I'm a woman, but I'm not a woman to use the bathroom at my workplace.
Has anyone besides me not experienced dysphoria at alarming levels initially, but after seeing that the hormones did something for you, your expectations were raised and now you do feel brain-destroying dysphoria?
I may be biased, but I suspect that between a woman and a man, both of whom are ideal pasoid transgender men, it is the transgender woman who is more likely to be accepted by a cis man.
Being in a relationship with a “supposedly bisexual” girl is a sure-fire failure for a transgender woman.
Appearance matters a lot. It can literally be the difference between a "soft transphobe" treating you well or not.
Let's be honest. Many straight (or at least bisexual) trans girls don't want to date trans men because they somehow feel like they're not men (yes, I know, it's ironic).