Can anyone help me get moonveil (Xbox)
Can someone help me try and get seaths tail ds1 (Xbox)
Does anyone wanna help me with seath (Xbox)
Would anyone like to fight sister fride (Xbox)
Anyone willing to help me kill ancient wyvern and then help me get to nameless king (Xbox)
Would anyone like to help me through the grand archives and then fight twin princes (Xbox)
Xbox - DS3 Anyone needs help in boss fights?
(Xbox) anyone wanna help me with dancer
(Xbox) anyone wanna help me through Irithyll
Summon me anywhere ds3 (except nameless king I'm kinda bad at it) Xbox
Ds3 crystal sage help (Xbox)
(Xbox) ds3 can anyone help me with dilapidated bridge
Can someone help me with rellana (Xbox)
Is the coded sword good
Anyone wanna help me with maliketh (Xbox)
New print for my room. <3
Can someone help me with fire giant (Xbox)
Anyone wanna help me with mohg (Xbox)
Xbox - golden hippo please
[Xbox] I can help with any boss/zone. :)
Can someone help with rykard (Xbox)
Xbox any boss
Promised consort radahn [Xbox]
Can someone help me fight rykard (Xbox)