What other military awards would/could be given out by the NCR?
Irl Helios one going bust
600 film stock?
A little IKEA display shelf idea I’ve been playing with to show off my Fallout minis.
They are raising price
What would Joshua Graham’s opinion of the Enclave be?
What is this?
NCR use of comms/radio packs and laser rifles?
How do you guys make wording and logos on your minis? For example the nuka cola logo on a chest or something
New Player
New here
November releases delayed until next year
What is it
Behold! The $30 Goodwill Courier!
Anyone try giving securitrons their pointy fingers?
"We won't go quietly into the night, Rebels can count on that."
What’s everyone’s opinions on knockoff/custom minis?
What movie reference?
Funny movie reference.
Printed & painted this little plane crash for WW. Any other ideas for the paint job or should I just weather it now?
What are some Factions and Characters you wish would have their own miniatures?
Painting photo dump!
I didn't find anything?
My boy was hungry
Scream fortress is finally here
Petah can ya help me out?