I was doing the paper round world-quest, i clicked on a Goblin, she said "whats the news" so i gave her a newspaper, she yelled "Don't tell me i don't wanna hear about it!" and attacked me. WTF Blizz
Someone just named their fucking cat after me
I’m trans, do you hate me because of it?
He’s been named Felt389
I just got a cat what should I name him
I love this meme !!!
This is so reallll
Upvote and you will pass exams don’t risk it
Every upvote = 30 minutes studying
Should i even try??
update on the current situation (gf pregnant)
Kids nowadays *sigh
Why is my teacher showing me memes....
Should I ask this girl out?
I hate being so ugly
Should I ask this girl out
If this post gets upvotes I’ll ask my crush out