how about a guy (me) who starts believing in god again so there's someone to blame for all my problems
Manifestations for this week
Possible autoimmune symptoms - are they related?
Creepy or unusual books you read as a kid/ teen that STILL stick with you...
Terminology questions
Is it a red flag to only have been in one serious relationship?
Moving to a new city at 27
What are you even doing with your life if you aren’t obsessed with linguistics?
What are the few supplements you swear by and would take it lifelong?
A generational USA vs Canada hockey game is happening right now. It’s a war
Best frozen jamaican patties?
Good books for language learning/linguistics
bag post!22/M
People that make 80k+ at 25-35 years old, what do you do?
scrolling for low quality poetry i wrote in college
Why do I hate myself so much?
is being socially awkward as an adult a social death sentence? is it fixable?
What's your job
Views of Canadiana for your consideration
For some reason I frequently think about the fact that the Amish could become so powerful in an apocalyptic situation.
does anyone here sleep in multiple extended periods rather than just one?
Used copy of Simple and Sinister?
How to get unstuck
I love Simone Weil + Do you have anyone you admire and who has caused a transformative experience in your life?
Canadian gyms in the GTA?