Still in utter disbelief that a man would choose Ash Trevino over Megan Fox😵💫😵💫
I think I would like Tara if (fill in the blank)
Hot take
kenzie and jake again (the t-shirt i can’t)
Tara and Jake Weird Dynamic
Tara and Jc Caylen
Why I think Kenzie doesn't have a problem with Tara
Zach Justice Dating Videos
not a functioning human
Requesting to moderate r/kenzieluby which appears to be unmoderated
Zach claims to be making a children's show
Tara and dropouts
Tara calling herself a slut
grace on being a nepo baby
Does anyone know if Tara and Cameron Boyce dated?
Tried posting on Tara yummy snark,mods locking my post
What do you all think?
Be so fucking fr rn
How is your parents buying a plastic tree instead of a real tree traumatizing??
faze banks’s follow up post
jake, carrington, johnnie, tara, grace, & kenzie @ emo nite
Was this appropriate?
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When grace said she had a goth phase but really didn’t have a goth phase she just dressed up for a day just like how Bryan stars said had a emo phase when he wasn’t really emo like literally that is some poser stuff right there.