Aquarius- do you text with anyone 24/7? If so, who is it?
I’ve always called my eyes just brown.
How to wash this bag?
The White Lotus - 3x05 "Full-Moon Party" - Post-Episode Discussion
We were all him
Recommended tweezers that can be used to squeeze my clogged meibomian glands of lower eyelids?
Should I be concerned?
I honestly have no idea what my eye color would be classified as
i know they’re brown. but what kind of brown? just curious
Covid positive and scared due to weight.
Choose One Girls
What unique name should this cat be called?
How it feels to be an Aqua with Aries placements
0% morphology. Devastated
Increased anxiety ?
You vs your mom
Why do people say gland loss takes years?
I think the whole "blurry vision after using a heated eye compress means it's working!" thing is fake
Keep or shave?
Metallic/chemical taste and smell
Opinions from Aqua Sun Only pls: Do You Often Feel Cut Off From Friend Groups You Thought Would Last?
COVID and Cats
How badly are my glands shortened?
Can we talk about this bright yellow snot?