They gained powers/a cool weapon after having close contact with an alien species
Speaking of transgenic mice, Scientists Put A Human "Language Gene" Into Mice And Curious Things Unfolded
Same silverware for 25 years, this is the way.
Humans Turned Gods
What Isekai do you Think has the best world building
My family wants me roasted. 37f mom of 4. Each family member added a pic.
The details
If you had the chance to rename yourself, what would be your name?
That one person who goes "Nope, I'm not going to die in this horror movie" and proceeds to kick ass
When a character from the original material shows up in the spin-off
One of their core character traits is their rampant ego. However- like it or not -they’ve more than earned the right to be.
When a story unintentionally has much deeper themes than expected
Characters who would probably swear a lot if the they were in wasn't for kids.
In highschool, I colored my hair green for St. Patrick's Day because I assumed everyone else at school would as well. Nope. I was the only one.
Jacket over super suit
[Hated tropes] When the story claims that an attractive character is actually ugly
If human reproduction required an intense, hour-long philosophical debate between partners before conception, how do you think society would change?
(Probable) hot take favorite characters
Books for Adults, Mature? I don't mean porn or violence etc. I mean mature people.
Do you believe in God
Favorite One Shot Character? (A character who only appeared for one episode)
What’s a random fact about yourself that sounds completely made up but is 100% true?
Do It now
When did you first realize you were attracted to women?