Which female game character stole your heart, and why?
Favorite character who is the literal embodiment of lust?
What did she say (wrong answers only)
Which game from my wishlist should I buy next?
If you use embers - do you use it before a boss fight or in while fighting as a last resort?
I'm making a grimdark survival horror about a nun in a space suit - wdyt?
Which movie character did you hate the most?
Amicia De Rune Vs Ellie from the last of us who will win
Mark when drugged up home invaders enter his house.
What game had you like this?
Still in disbelief that I ended up with this
Is this a reasonable 1440p gaming pc configuration?
Which opinion will you defend in Gaming like this?
My entry for “Mark as a dog”
Gamers of reddit, which game's gameplay was so good that you couldn't focus on the story?
What Should I Call Him? (totally original)
NEW CHARACTER What the actual FUCK should I name him ?
Recommend complex video games for brain health or mind.
what am i eating? (wrong answers only)
Portal! Such a phenomenal game. Such a disgrace I discovered this so late..
What movie becomes different once you end it "in my ass"?
a movie you consider overhated?
What movie has the best cinematography and most beautiful imagery?
Movies with dark endings
Movies with depressing endings like "The Mist(2007)"