Halloween “1978” vs Halloween “2007”
If you had to eliminate any movie from the franchise, which one would you eliminate?
Halloween 50th anniversary plans?
Halloween 8 was a trip
I got a reply from Trick or treatstudios regarding my wish for a RZs H2 Hobo Myers figurine... bad news and good news... i hope they will reconsider... thank you Jennifer
UPDATE to a previous post
Hot Take: H5 is a better overall movie than H6
All H6 Michael Myers mask replicas
What did you think of Roman and the end reveal?
Reminder that in RZH2, Michael is supposed to be only 29 - YIKES!
Why were the patients in the mental asylum wondering free at night? (Halloween 1978)
Are you a fan of Rob Zombie’s Halloween (2007) ?
What would Rob Zombies Halloween 3 been like? Let’s hear your pitch !
What’s your movie looking like?
Opening Kill Theory
Which Sopranos Mobsters were the closest to being “good” people
Fight sexism with sexism?
Bald or hair?
Should i be worried?
The Shape, circa 2002 🎃
Anyone know where to get the RZH1 coverall patches, or at least something similar looking?
What is the first movie you think of when you see Edward Norton?
How many 10 year olds you think could you beat in a fight? Just asking hypothetically.
Communism should be the ultimate political boogeyman, not fascism
Listen to this prick giving orders