Why do my edibles always taste gritty?
Father-In-Law passed away recently. Found his stash, circa 1979.
WHAT is this on her skin?
Does this belong in here? :)
One was 10€/g, one was 3€. Spot the difference
Suppressing REM State
Why do my plugs spliffs always hit harder??
Will my weed habit keep me from lucid dreaming?
AIO over my partner's views on today's society?
Not ready for a T break - should I try microdosing?
If you are reading this, a big shift has happened for you - and everything you want is happening easily and effortlessly. Let me affirm for you!
What‘s ur „stoner job“?
My grinder coin shed its skin today
Been searching all over the place I found the last one :)
Found this beautiful one on my way home
Does anyone else get super clumsy on muscimol?
Stoners of Reddit i have a question?
Why is Dinner in America (2020) so popular at the moment?
Kann Psyche tiefgreifend beeinflussen: Bundesamt schlägt wegen Gummibärchen mit Fliegenpilz-Gift Alarm
Routine mit ADHS, helfen Apps?
Heute am Brunnenmarkt entdeckt
After the recent news, this joke may not be out of reach anymore
I am the creator of Pokemon This Gym of Mine, AMA
Looking for sword exclusives plz
Weekly r/PokemonSwordAndShield Trading Megathread. Week of May, 2024