Is there a reason why Dagger and Sue look so similar?
What should i do if my friend dislikes tiny mita?
What were your OCs like when they were younger?
Which of your OCs has killed a man? Comment their reason/motive and let people decide whether they were justified or not⚖️!!
Give Maria your OC’s best pickup line and see if it works on her.
What does your OC wear when they go to sleep?
When I look at Human Bill’s canon design I can’t imagine him with Bill’s voice…
Who are these 3? (wrong answers only)
This Roblox Game is honestly screwed up and I regret playing it…
Turned 18 and my dad handed me a cigar.
Which Skin color looks better Grey or Yellow?
I don’t like Female Terry’s design
What's one peeve you have with a good skin? I'll start:
Your plans and ideas for the upcoming Peaceful Mode?
What's your name?
Who is flatter?
Favorite characters who fit this criteria? (Read Body text)
Who is your favorite character who has given you gender envy?
Show me your Avatar, and I'll say how much money Bounty Hunters would make off them. 🫡⚔️
Stupid Sauce bunnydoll (by Cosmic-nia)
When you had enough of Crazy mita Nonsense..
Favorite character that IS NOT in Fortnite?
What’s in the glass? (Wrong answers only)
How would yall feel if 8-Bit Mita became canon? And how would you fit her into the storyline?