19F or 27C for PHX to LIH?
Booked flight on United.com from Chicago to Munich in basic economy using my United MileagePlus credit card. Do I get a free checked bag even though the flight is operated by Lufthansa?
Cockpit radio channel
Confused About Frankfurt Lounge Access
Does anyone know a good lawyer ?
No more coffee to go at LAX United Club?
Way out of league biz class tickets
How would you rank gus's henchman?
1K members: United is removing the free CLEAR benefit and Clear Secure Inc. will start auto-charging $129 starting May 1st.
Haven’t had either of these food options yet. Any recommendations?
Turning down an upgrade on a 9.5 hour flight
Chandler’s dumb state game
Help deciding with flight/class
Which Breaking Bad character are you?
IAD Departure Time
Rename the Harry Potter books as Hermoine
Mike’s decision in S5
How to get the best Upgrade Deal. EWR-DUB Leave in a few hours.
Polaris on a 767-300 via IAD or Dreamliner via ORD?
AIO for saying…okay?
90 min EWR layover coming from LHR? Is it doable?
Will I make it?
Who Owns the Under Seat Space?
Seat swapping aisle to window
Why did Hermione hate Harry for using Half Blood Prince’s book while she was clearly using Time Turner in GoF (which is also a cheat) ?