Who Wins this Aura Farming Contest
Feeling lot of guilt for calling 911. Not sure if I did the right thing.
How would Mira have manipulated the rest of the characters?
Is it bad that i lowkey want her?
A Battle for the Ages
Sure buddy
Nyudo if he was BASED
Every Reaction to a World's Natural Enemies
Peak Foreshadowing
Versus Panels that go Hard as Album Covers
Parallels of the Lawless and Parasites In This Arc
Which Civilization Will Send the First Nuke?
New Gen Animes 💥
If Jachi is an Orca, Nyudo is a blobfish, Diganazal is some kind of macaque/monkey, and Roya is a cockroach, what subspecies would Byakou be?
Subtle Foreshadowing
"The Lawless are just regular humans."
The Smartest Manipulator in History Vs. The Smartest Manipulator of Today
A Sword-Bearer Worthy of Fighting Jachi
Gotta Catch 'Em All