"no answers"
Screen recording of todays stories
Sarahs stories today saying she may need psychological help regarding past events with M in hospital.. girl you need help for alot more then that
Sarah’s lurking! Anyone else see her stories retaliating to my PSA about not having to do all the extra curricula's? 😂
Heh, remember when she spoke of a healthcode podcast revamp
Sarah's products - worth the hype?
H reflux
Well…this is ironic
She just doesnt give a shit about her one job
If I hear the word ReFluXx BaBYy one more time…
Her rants are so annoying
She’s trash for putting anything up about her kids but she’s the WORST mum in the world for highlighting this for M for the world to see
A Sarah’s Day AMA
Can anyone confirm or deny if they were all still following eachother when Brenton put this post up, in early december, which is obviously about Sarah. I do think it was either the catalyst for why they had a falling out or he put it up as a subtle explanation as to why they aren't friends anymore.
Her pace maker!
This podcast! 😅 Outspoken
Man vs "female"
“Don’t come at me for being out of touch!” Girl, the call’s coming from inside the house.
Uhh $500+ lader facial, a peel, red light therapy, sorry Sarah we all can't just drop our kids off to get get an expensive facial because we cried, while on our lavish boat, sun baking, I mean stressed mum life!
The poor thing
I can’t unread this without it giving Belle Gibson vibes
People are blowing up over this. Has anyone watched 'Apple cider vinegar ' yet?
Look what I found today
I swear this isn’t even the same person…