Not to be dramatic but I would literally die for him.
Chinese Spicy🌶️ Cauliflower Stir Fry😋 (干锅菜花) - RECIPE IN COMMENT
The only answer to "Would you spend $20/year so that every rice-based meal for the next decade is more delicious?" seems like an obvious "Yes". The hype over expensive rice cookers is real.
What’s up with this building?
feel like I’m missing a few outliers…
Help me identify my citrus
Just realized the tip of a sewing gauge is flared like this because it's 5/8th of a inch 🤯
My face when I learnt what "boufing" is...
Reading Knights of Sidonia and struggling to keep interest
I found Maison Bordier in Santa Monica!
Awkward spot tattoo ideas?
Meat on hoof you send to butcher may not be the same meat you receive back.
Los Angeles Daily Discussion - Tuesday, Mar 04
Los Angeles Daily Discussion - Friday, Feb 28
Best Roast Chicken in LA?
I'm cooked boys, save yourselves.
I started watching One Piece for my Husband and I’m not sure how to tell him I don’t want to finish it.
Los Angeles Daily Discussion - Thursday, Feb 20
got my hands on the 2003 ONA today
Los Angeles Daily Discussion - Monday, Feb 10
Excel wizards - what is the one formula that took you to scream: "Holy sh*t, where have you been all my life?
Lawry’s Not Worth The Hype
Hoshoryu the fashion icon
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread