shooting at the boardwalk
Alex made this TT cameo for someone who paid $30 for it.
Alicia trying to dance. Scares off H. Now I can't unsee it, so I am sharing the misery with y'all. Sorry.
The comments in our local Are we dating the same guy group 👀👀👀
Daytona’s growing LPGA area keeps attracting more stores:
Any perfumes that smell like this?
Who to believe… Alex or the ex…
Can someone explain the Josh cheating thing?
coffee with no rose/floral notes?
Sooo embarrassing
Has anyone purchased from any of the casts' stores? What was the quality like?
Did anyone else notice this?
At the age 29, I currently have dentures. Where can I get implants ?
Atrocious choreography
What my kids ate today. Recycled sharpie pumpkin face clementines from yesterday's breakfast. Box water because we used up all of the bottled water in the State of New York. Bon-Barf-appetit
Had my baby girl 3 days ago, her name has already been mispronounced.
Walmart's 18 pack of washcloths are $5.70. Now I almost never need paper towels.
Do you think my hair looks healthier? I used to bleach every month for 7 years. Trying to grow my color back and heal my hair.
Oh jac.. pickle jars. Really.
Podcast lies
Does anyone think that Alicia has one of thismadmamas kids?