“Wait, they’re the same person?!”
Comment your SO and ill assign them a Pokemon typing!
There Truly Are No Original Experiences
Have general questions about Waifuism? Ask them here!
Favorite pokémon?
What is your SO's "-dere" type?
You can take up to two anime characters as your death scythe, who and what form will they take?
Did/would you redesign your F/O?
Favorite character whose death you still arent over?
Post your SO in an outfit you like a lot!
My name is _
I Kind of Like My Reddit Assigned Name of Responsible-Key1005 Because...
Make you and your f/o in this meiker!
i dont like my wifes world
Post your S/O and I'll assing them a Pokemon!
Favorite female character who doesn't wear revealing clothing (International Women's Day post)
Its Women's day! So let's Say our favorite female villains!
Make you and your f/o as worms!
Post your S/O and I’ll assign you both a Pokémon city to live/Honeymoon at.
A short rant.
I Finally Did It
"Big Three"
What does my taste in fictional characters say about me?
Which character is this ?
Characters with a really cool jacket