Eminem is closer in age to Paul McCartney than he is to Millie Bobbie Brown
Who wins?
Android 18 by Howxen
Shintani art style shows Toriyama art style from Z manga much more than Z anime
Gonna tell my kids that this is what pre-nerf Consort Radahn was like
Hell yeahh
android 21 eating candy by Nnsee_d
If Goku and Vegeta fused during the Tournament of power, how differently would things have shaked out?
who would win ? Nam-Su (Drugged) or Sae Byeok in a weapon fight
Bro you were fat as f
Just to let you anime onlys know... DBS manga, is a whole different series
gaius NG+7⁺ with +0 no blessings
Petition to remove this dumb move
What did I do wrong? (two examples shown)
How cooked are you?
He's too powerful, guys
And if you take away all of his hair, Vegeta becomes bald! Crazy how that works.
Can't we all just stop arguing and go back to being...
As we all know, Elden Ring (2022) was a critical and commercial disaster. In spite of its numerous flaws, let's take a moment to talk about a few of the things this game did well
Seggsually active
Name youtubers who aged like fine wine
He’s not wrong..