Can men wear blen scarves?
Do you think 23andMe and other genetic testing companies will branch out into online dating?
Offering: English, Spanish, Seeking: Yoruba
Offering English, Spanish in exchange for Amharic
What is the name of these headwraps with fancy prints I see African people wearing in my community?
Offering: English | Seeking: Amharic (and friendship!)
Soon Samaritans will not be genetically Israelite
Ancient Christian Kingdom in Present Day Sudan
Sudanese women presenters on television in 2009
Just curious: do Sudanese Arabs look like this woman?
Learn Arabic easily
Documentary on the Amhara people. Does anyone know what the traditional music is at 4:45?
mixed Dominican + Polish/Italian + picture of me
Is There An Amharic Equivalent To The Iliad And The Odyssey Or Beowulf?
My results + me