water bucket glitch driving me insane, please help
...So how was your first time mining for Netherite?
which dungeon contains the best PVE light armour or (more in comment)
Why can't I get artifacts from PvP progression?
Bleed duration question
I am getting really frustrated at this game *spoilers*
What to bring: Hive of Gorgon
When do expeditions start to be "hard"?
How do I claim the Pre-order wolf mount?
Where do you actually set up a base?
Can't find stone cutter in the building menu
Castle I'm working on on the server I'm playing in. What do you guys think?
Need help deciding what piano keyboard to get
What armor line should I start working on?
Ogni volta che apro il minecraft launcher appare quest'errore
Rethinking Voxels shadow bug
Cannot install CC due to error 206
Help with the "Repurposed" achievement!
Is there any missable Steam achievements?
Way to turn off sound of floating balls of light or reduce their spawnrate?
VH Server
Suggestions for someone who doesn't like kitchen-sink modpacks
Some screenshots of my Villa + flame shrine small temple (still work in progress)
Having trouble with server lag