Racist students
Are there any foods that help with nausea besides things like toast, rice, crackers, etc.?
Get a filipina wife and cheat her is not the smart idea unless you like philippines jail system and yes this is not a joke
Taking my wife and children out of the country...
tutor lessons
Students keeping their video off
Confirmation of lessons
My tutor profile is hidden they said my profile requires editing and that they sent me some email regarding that but I didn’t receive any email kindly someone help me what wrong ????
How to avoid the students ‘using’ trial lessons to prepare for interviews?
Is there a way I can teach from a country under sanctions using vpn or something? Or like doing all lessons on Google Meet and using the platform only for text? What ways would it work? I'm already registered but I'm in another country now. Palau e-residency?
Too many students and Burnout
9 hours unscheduled lessons
Is the website running very slowly for anyone else?
Very clear some people shouldn't be teachers.
My stats/ranking have just plummeted after not responding to a "this student added you as their favourites!" message
Student absent
Corporate student price increase
Has anyone increased their rate for their corporate students?
Dynamic pricing model?
Has this ever happened to you?
How do you guys remind yourselves of what you did in the previous lesson with each student
Should I charge more for classes with 3 people ?
Reschedule without asking
So I'm supertutor this month... what's next?
Feels like Im doing something wrong