It says 101 ,but...
BLM, Pride and other flags may be prohibited on public buildings under new NC bill
Do anarchists agree with Trump dismantling the government?
You are given $1 trillion but must do something that benefits every single person on the planet
If you could only suggest one or two books on anarchism, what would they be?
Do americans marry early and with big age gaps?
Would you rather have $5 or be guaranteed to not have a headache for the next 24 hours?
Does the family name "Halloween" exist in America?
How do I develop a general American accent?
Are American dog owners allowed to leave their dogs unleashed outside their home, like roam around the streets?
If a space elevator was possible, would it even be feasible?
Teslas Going To $150 Ladies And Gentlemen
Elon Musk on the verge of tears as he contemplates his imploding empire
How do Anarchists deal with social programs? Any examples historically?
How Might a Wobbly Feel About This?: NY Fires 2,000 Striking Prison Guards
People not from here: North Carolinians know it's Unaffiliated, we still call it Independent
excellent question
What counts as a hierarchy?
Historically, how and why did North-Easterners (or Yankees) became so gruff, blunt and just more tense, as opposed to Southerners?
going against open borders is reducing the level of freedom you have in society and increasing the police state. this argument is dumb since plenty of native born americans dont value free speech ( many want to ban porn and promote copyright law a form of censorship for example.)
What does my map say about me? 22m, 27 countries, 36 states
Idaho wants to ban “public camping”.
Grandpa needs help finding his friend who possibly died in Vietnam war
Have you ever visited the country where your ancestors immigrated from? How was it?
What if people don't want to work
I’m sorry for coming here for my question, I’m just nervous and looking for real answers